Duss Bohrständer, Einspannen der Bohrmaschine *MIT BILD*

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Re: Duss Bohrständer, Einspannen der Bohrmaschine

Beitrag von Kim »

[In Antwort auf #87537]
The problem lies with the design of the Duss drilling stand. I have the same issue, you cant compress the ring enough, it only compresses 0,2mm
and most other drilling machines do not have good enough tolerances to fit in the Duss stand.
Especially the design of the clamping mehcanism is bad since it has a bridge in the open slit (dont know why it is there) and it limits the compression.

I just asked a metal workshop to build me an alternative clamp so I get around the problem. You could also try cut through the bridge between the holes
maybe that will alllow enough compression but again I am not sure if it is a bad or good idea. I tried adjust my drill neck diameter with tape but that
is too soft and you can still turn the machine in the drill stand.

The last alternative is to buy a Duss drilling mahine for 400 Euro which is way too expensive for me and limits you to using only Duss machines.
I am hoping with my new clamp I will be able to use any machine with a standars 43mm neck regardless of tolerances.



Re: Duss Bohrständer, Einspannen der Bohrmaschine

Beitrag von Kim »

[In Antwort auf #87548]
Geile Idee werde ich heute probieren bis meine neugefräste teil da ist!

Beiträge: 5720
Registriert: So 8. Dez 2019, 14:41

Re: Duss Bohrständer, Einspannen der Bohrmaschine

Beitrag von Pedder »

Hi Kim,

in my Duss stand there is a cheap Protool (Narex) Drill that works just fine.
I think Duss keeps the tolerances to 43mm but not the drill maker.


Bernd Kraft
Beiträge: 73
Registriert: Di 15. Jan 2013, 22:42

Re: Duss Bohrständer, Einspannen der Bohrmaschine

Beitrag von Bernd Kraft »

Hi Kim,
in case you did not notice the suggestion earlier in the thread: Ulrich Leimer had the idea to take a can of coke or beer and cut a strip. the metal is thin and might solve the problem.

Horst Entenmann
Beiträge: 1165
Registriert: So 30. Mär 2014, 20:58

Re: Duss Bohrständer, Einspannen der Bohrmaschine *MIT BILD*

Beitrag von Horst Entenmann »

[In Antwort auf #91415]
Hello Kim,


Cutting through the bridge or along the other red line (or both?) would also be my first idea.
I wonder if anyone ever tried?
